Contracted forms are shortened versions of two words combined into one, usually by replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe. For example, “do not” becomes “don’t” and “cannot” becomes “can’t”. They’re commonly used in informal speech and writing to make sentences shorter and easier to say.
Contracted Form
I am | I’m |
He has | He’s |
You are | You’re |
He is | He’s |
She is | She’s |
It is | It’s |
We are | We’re |
They are | They’re |
I have | I’ve |
You have | You’ve |
She has | She’s |
It has | It’s |
We have | We’ve |
They have -> | They’ve |
I will | I’ll |
You will | You’ll |
He will | He’ll |
She will | She’ll |
It will | It’ll |
We will | We’ll |
They will | They’ll |
I would | I’d |
You would | You’d |
He would | He’d |
She would | She’d |
It would | It’d |
We would | We’d |
They would | They’d |
I had | I’d |
You had | You’d |
Contracted Form
He had | He’d |
It had | It’d |
She had | She’dmm |
We had | We’d |
They had | They’d |
I shall | I’ll |
You shall | You’ll |
He shall | He’ll |
She shall | She’ll |
It shall | It’ll |
- What is the contracted form of “I am”?
a) I’m
b) Im
c) Iam
Answer: a) I’m - What is the contracted form of “She will”?
a) Sh’ll
b) She’ll
c) Shell
Answer: b) She’ll - What is the contracted form of “We have”?
a) We’ve
b) We’v
c) We’vee
Answer: a) We’ve - What is the contracted form of “They would”?
a) The’d
b) They’d
c) Theyd
Answer: b) They’d - What is the contracted form of “I would”?
a) I’d
b) Id
c) Iwd
Answer: a) I’d - What is the contracted form of “It is”?
a) Its
b) I’s
c) It’s
Answer: c) It’s - What is the contracted form of “You are”?
a) U’re
b) Your
c) You’re
Answer: c) You’re - What is the contracted form of “We are”?
a) We’r
b) We’re
c) Wer
Answer: b) We’re - What is the contracted form of “Did not”?
a) Don’t
b) Didn’t
c) D’dnt
Answer: b) Didn’t - What is the contracted form of “She is”?
a) Shes
b) S’is
c) She’s
Answer: c) She’s - What is the contracted form of “They are”?
a) They’re
b) The’r
c) Theyr
Answer: a) They’re - What is the contracted form of “He has”?
a) Hs
b) He’s
c) Hes
Answer: b) He’s - What is the contracted form of “Cannot”?
a) Can’t
b) Cn’t
c) Cann’t
Answer: a) Can’t - What is the contracted form of “Will not”?
a) W’ll
b) Won’t
c) Wlln’t
Answer: b) Won’t - What is the contracted form of “It has”?
a) It’s
b) I’hs
c) Ithas
Answer: a) It’s - What is the contracted form of “Should not”?
a) Shouln’t
b) Sh’dn’t
c) Shouldn’t
Answer: c) Shouldn’t - What is the contracted form of “Could not”?
a) Couldn’t
b) Culdn’t
c) Couldnt
Answer: a) Couldn’t - What is the contracted form of “We would”?
a) We’d
b) Wd
c) We’w
Answer: a) We’d - What is the contracted form of “There is”?
a) Ther’is
b) Thers
c) There’s
Answer: c) There’s - What is the contracted form of “Who is”?
a) Whos
b) Who’s
c) Whs
Answer: b) Who’s - What is the contracted form of “Has not”?
a) Hasn’t
b) Hasnt
c) Hsn’t
Answer: a) Hasn’t - What is the contracted form of “Would not”?
a) Wodn’t
b) Wouldn’t
c) Wdn’t
Answer: b) Wouldn’t - What is the contracted form of “Does not”?
a) Don’t
b) Doesn’t
c) Doesnt
Answer: b) Doesn’t - What is the contracted form of “Might have”?
a) M’ght’ve
b) Might’ve
c) Might’v
Answer: b) Might’ve - What is the contracted form of “You had”?
a) You’d
b) Y’hd
c) Youh’d
Answer: a) You’d - What is the contracted form of “They will”?
a) Theyw
b) The’ll
c) They’ll
Answer: c) They’ll - What is the contracted form of “I have”?
a) I’v
b) I’ve
c) Ihv
Answer: b) I’ve - What is the contracted form of “Would have”?
a) Would’ve
b) W’ould’ve
c) Woulv
Answer: a) Would’ve - What is the contracted form of “Shall not”?
a) Shalln’t
b) Shan’t
c) Shallnt
Answer: b) Shan’t - What is the contracted form of “You would”?
a) Youd
b) Y’d
c) You’d
Answer: c) You’d - What is the contracted form of “Must not”?
a) Mus’n’t
b) Mustn’t
c) Mustnt
Answer: b) Mustn’t - What is the contracted form of “Are not”?
a) A’ren’t
b) Aren’t
c) A’rnt
Answer: b) Aren’t - What is the contracted form of “Had not”?
a) H’dn’t
b) Hadn’t
c) Hadnt
Answer: b) Hadn’t - What is the contracted form of “She has”?
a) She’s
b) Sh’s
c) Shehas
Answer: a) She’s - What is the contracted form of “Were not”?
a) Weren’t
b) Wer’nt
c) Wernt
Answer: a) Weren’t - What is the contracted form of “That is”?
a) Ths
b) Th’t’s
c) That’s
Answer: c) That’s - What is the contracted form of “Is not”?
a) Isn’t
b) Int
c) Isn’t
Answer: a) Isn’t - What is the contracted form of “Here is”?
a) H’res
b) Heris
c) Here’s
Answer: c) Here’s
“39. What is the contracted form of “There has”?
a) Threhas
b) There’s
c) Th’h’s
Answer: b) There’s”
“40. What is the contracted form of “Where is”?
a) Where’s
b) Whers
c) Whereis
Answer: a) Where’s - What is the contracted form of “Who had”?
a) Wh’d
b) Who’d
c) Whod
Answer: b) Who’d - What is the contracted form of “They have”?
a) They’ve
b) Th’ve
c) Thehave
Answer: a) They’ve
1)What is the contracted form of “do not”?
a) don’t
b) do’nt
c) don’tt
d) doo not
- Answer: a) don’t
2)Which is the correct contracted form of “could not”?
a) couldn’t
b) could’nt
c) could’not
d) couldnt
- Answer: a) couldn’t
3)Choose the contracted form of “I am”.
a) I’m
b) Im
c) Am
d) I’am
- Answer: a) I’m
4)What is the contracted form of “will not”?
a) will’nt
b) won’t
c) willn’t
d) willt
- Answer: b) won’t
5)Which is the correct contracted form of “they have”?
a) they’ve
b) they’v
c) they have
d) theyv
- Answer: a) they’ve
6)Choose the contracted form of “should not”.
a) should’nt
b) shouldnot
c) shouldn’t
d) shouldnt
- Answer: c) shouldn’t
7)What is the contracted form of “she will”?
a) she’ill
b) she’ll
c) shell
d) shewill
- Answer: b) she’ll
8)Which is the correct contracted form of “has not”?
a) hasn’t
b) has’nt
c) hasnt
d) has’not
- Answer: a) hasn’t
9)Choose the contracted form of “we will”.
a) we’ill
b) we’ll
c) weill
d) wewill
- Answer: b) we’ll
10)What is the contracted form of “you are”?
a) your
b) you’are
c) you’re
d) you’ree
- Answer: c) you’re
11)Which is the correct contracted form of “did not”?
a) didn’t
b) did’nt
c) didnot
d) did’not
- Answer: a) didn’t
12)Choose the contracted form of “cannot”.
a) can’t
b) cant
c) canot
d) can’ot
- Answer: a) can’t
13)What is the contracted form of “he is”?
a) he’s
b) hes
c) heis
d) he’is
- Answer: a) he’s
14)Which is the correct contracted form of “we have”?
a) we have
b) we’ve
c) we’v
d) weve
- Answer: b) we’ve
15)Choose the contracted form of “they will not”.
a) they’will not
b) theywill’not
c) they won’t
d) they will’nt
- Answer: c) they won’t
16)What is the contracted form of “it is”?
a) it’s
b) its
c) itis
d) it’is
- Answer: a) it’s
17)Which is the correct contracted form of “would not”?
a) would’nt
b) wouldnot
c) wouldn’t
d) would’not
- Answer: c) wouldn’t
18)Choose the contracted form of “she has not”.
a) she’has not
b) she hasn’t
c) she has’nt
d) she hasnot
- Answer: b) she hasn’t
19)What is the contracted form of “they are”?
a) they’are
b) they’re
c) theyare
d) they’aree
- Answer: b) they’re
20)Which is the correct contracted form of “should have”?
a) should’have
b) should’v
c) should’ve
d) shouldve
- Answer: c) should’ve
21)Choose the contracted form of “we would”.
a) we’would
b) wewould
c) we’ld
d) we’d
- Answer: d) we’d
22)What is the contracted form of “you will not”?
a) you’will not
b) you will’nt
c) you won’t
d) you will’not
- Answer: c) you won’t
23)Which is the correct contracted form of “does not”?
a) does’nt
b) doesnot
c) doesn’t
d) does’not
- Answer: c) doesn’t
24)Choose the contracted form of “he will”.
a) he’will
b) he’ll
c) hewill
d) hewill
- Answer: b) he’ll
25)What is the contracted form of “she would not”?
a) she’would’nt
b) she wouldn’t
c) she’ld’not
d) shewould’nt
- Answer: b) she wouldn’t