Be smart | Class 10th English

Be smart

Achievable: Setting goals that can becompleted in the designated period oftime. Often, these goals may act likestepping stones to help meet broader goalsthat further define a career. As students, wecan’t become a President, a Prime Minister,but can hope to reach those heights in future.Realistic: It is important to create goalsthat are within one’s current skill set orarea of expertise. Building expertise takestime, so expecting to become an expert in ashort amount of time is unrealistic. Beingrealistic will make it easy to be successful atattaining goals. If defensive and notaggressive, the goal perhaps lacks realism.We must have the clear picture in mind andmust have the ability to adhere to thatpicture. Time-bound: Establish timeparameters around each goal, as it will helpincrease focus and accountability. To reduceweight we know how to go about it. Butwithout consistent time – bound action, itnever becomes a reality. It may beexercise, diet and stress-free thoughts. ALlthese have to be practised andimplemented without hesitation, doubt orindifference, but within a deadline. Visions,wishes, intentions and dreams are allvaluable. They spark off imagination andencourage us to define where we want toreach. In order to get there, however, weneed to bring life images, down to earthand plan to execute Our strategies. Thequality and quantity of energy we putforth, directly impact the results. Life issomething like a trumpet. If we don’t putanything in, we can’t get anything out.Success is a walk in the dark. Finding the rightfooting, precisely mastering the skills andgetting to the next place, all depend onhow we approach and tackle the problem.The best way to get from where we are, towhere we want to be is to find thefooting of our next step. When we take thenext step, it should support and hold uswithout a crack.

English 1.4 Be smart



Select the appropriate alternative of the answer of the given questions.

In what time can setting goals be completed?

  1. Keeping period of time
  2. Ignored period of time
  3. Designated period of time
  4. Refused period of time

What may these goals got?

  1. Like stepping stones
  2. Further define a career
  3. Designated period of time
  4. Important to create goals

What is important to create goals?

  1. Realistic
  2. Time bound
  3. Specific
  4. Measurable

What is unrealistic?

  1. To reach those heights in future
  2. To create goals
  3. To become expert
  4. Expecting to become an expert in a short amount of  time

What will make it easy to be successful at attending goals?

  1. Being active
  2. Being unrealistic
  3. Being realistic
  4. Being expertise

What do the girls perhaps lack realisum?

  1. Defensive and not aggressive
  2. To set parameters
  3. Building expertise
  4. To become experts

What is life?

  1. Energy
  2. Anything out
  3. Visions
  4. Something like a trumpet

What is the success?

  1. A skill
  2. A walk in the dark
  3. A time bound
  4. Parameters

What is the meaning of  strategy?

  1. To carry out
  2. Practical
  3. Steady
  4. Plan of action

Complete the following sentences with the correct option.

These goals may act like stepping stones to help meet  broader goals that…..

  1. Become prime minister
  2. define a career
  3. Become a student
  4. Become a president

But can hope to reach those………

  1. Limits
  2. Heights in future
  3. Realise
  4. Success

It is important to create goals that are within one’s current skill set or…….

  1. Area of expertise
  2. Building expertise
  3. Expecting to become an expert
  4. Aggressive

A short amount of time is……

  1. Realistic
  2. Easy
  3. Aggressive
  4. Unrealistic

Being realistic will make it easy to be successful at…….

  1. Setting goals
  2. Quantifying goals
  3. Attaning goals
  4. Stepping stones

If defensive and not aggressive the goal perhaps……

  1. Increase focus
  2. Lack realism
  3. Establish time
  4. Finding the right footing

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