Class 10th English

Bholi | Class 10th English
Class 10th Chapter Bholi Whose whispered conversation did Bholi listened?2 pointsher friendsBishambers her sistersher parents Where did Ramlal placed his turban? * 2 points at Bishambers feetnone of thesebeside the sacred firein front of brideWhy was Bholis elder sister envious? * 2 points of Bholis luckof Bholis bridal dress of the sacred fire none…

World Heritage | Class 10th English
Read the following passage and answer the following question. Today, the World Heritage Committee is the main group responsible for establishing which sites will be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Committee meets once a year and consists of representatives from 21 State Parties that are elected for six year terms by the…

An Encounter Of A Special Kind | 10th Class English
Read the passage and answer the following questions An Encounter Of A Special Kind By this time, my parents and sisters had come out on to the veranda and were witnessing my rescue operation. Some of our neighbours had also gathered in the distance. I took the baby langur to our backyard and gently laid…

His First Flight | 10th Class English
His First Flight The young seagull was alone onhis ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before. He had been afraid to fly with them.Somehow when he had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings he afraid. The great…

10th Class English The boy who broke the bank
Read the passage carefully and answer the following question 10th Class English The boy who broke the bank Nathu grumbled to himself as he swept the steps of the Pipalnagar Bank, owned by Seth Govind Ram. He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly, and the dust, after rising in a cloud above his head…

Be smart | Class 10th English
Read the passage and answer the following questions Be smart Be smart Achievable: Setting goals that can becompleted in the designated period oftime. Often, these goals may act likestepping stones to help meet broader goalsthat further define a career. As students, wecan’t become a President, a Prime Minister,but can hope to reach those heights in…