Simple Future Tense

The future tense is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. In English, there are different ways to form the future tense:

Using “will” + base form of the verb:

Example: “I will go to the market tomorrow.”

Using “be going to” + base form of the verb:

Example: “She is going to study for her exams tonight.”

Using the present continuous tense:

Example: “They are playing football tomorrow.”

Using modal verbs like “can,” “may,” “might,” “shall,” “should,” “must,” “ought to,” etc.:

Example: “He may join us for the party next week.”

Remember, the future tense is used when talking about things that haven’t happened yet but will happen later.

  1. Tomorrow, I will visit my grandmother.
  2. She will attend the school picnic next week.
  3. He will complete his homework before dinner.
  4. We will watch a movie on Saturday.
  5. They will clean their room after lunch.
  6. Next month, I will start learning guitar.
  7. She will bake a cake for her friend’s birthday.
  8. He will play cricket with his friends tomorrow.
  9. We will go for a family trip during summer vacation.
  10. They will plant trees in the school garden.
  11. Next year, I will participate in the science fair.
  12. She will take her dog for a walk in the evening.
  13. He will buy a new bicycle next month.
  14. We will have a picnic in the park next Sunday.
  15. They will visit their grandparents during the holidays.
  16. Tomorrow, I will meet my friend at the library.
  17. She will study for her exams tonight.
  18. He will join a dance class next week.
  19. We will celebrate Diwali with our relatives.
  20. They will watch a football match on TV tomorrow.
  21. Next year, I will learn how to swim.
  22. She will cook dinner for the family tonight.
  23. He will read a book before going to bed.
  24. We will visit the zoo next weekend.
  25. They will play games at the birthday party tomorrow.

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